Showing posts with label HTML tips for beginners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML tips for beginners. Show all posts

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Must Know HTML Tips for Bloggers for SEO

Everything works fine until you just copy paste HTML code from big buddy sites like facebook like button, twitter follow button etc. But you might sometimes face a problem with that scary HTML code and worried. Learn a few things about HTML which might be really useful to talk with web pages. These tips are in context with Blogging, SEO and other related stuff.
 Language with which web pages are built.

It is the language used to design and give the page a proper shape.
Oh! If I learn CSS I don't have to buy themes?. Yes, if you learn enough CSS language then you can design your own themes, but learning that takes some time though.

It is the language of browsers.

Everything in HTML are <tags>
example: <b> what ever is in between these things is BOLD </b> .
Some tags need to be closed this way as <i> Italic </i> (Container Tags) and some need to be closed this way as <br /> (Standalone Tags).

Some common Tags are <b> </b>         Bold
<i> </i>           Italic
 <br />              Break (Used to go to next line the same thing as pressing Enter)
 <li>  </li>         List
 <p> </p>         Paragraph.
 Hey you don't have to learn all these tags right now. Bookmark this page and come back when ever you get stuck with some HTML code. Then, I bet you would read this again and again.

 Know The skeleton of a web page.
 <title>  </title>
<body>        </body>

<title> </title>
Your title goes of in between here and this is the most important thing for Google.  So make a killer title.

<head> </head>
This marks the top section of any page and in it are <meta> tags present.
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,bloggers,beginners,tips">
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
 rel="canonical" tag is placed in every page's <head> section </head>       so that if your page is found redundant or similar to other pages in search results the search engine especially Google checks with page rank of your home page which you provide in it.

<a href="the url to share">The matter over which link is </a>

<img src="http://myprofilepic.jpg" />


<div> </div>  
Defines a division or section of HTML. if you want to modify or stylize a section using CSS then you can use these div tags.

 <iframe > </iframe> inline frame is page within a page. Usually ads and some social networking widgets use this to display another page in your page.

<fieldset>                                                                       creates a border for the form
<input type="text" id="mytextbox" name="mytextbox" />   this gives a text box to write in
<input type="submit" />                                                     the submit button
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Tips For New Bloggers